contact Leng at lyml@juno.com if you have any
questions or comments about this website. Thank you very much for visiting Team
Cobras website.
- This website was
last updated on:
Kansas City Cobras, a team of the unknown. It wasn't long until four
(4) players gathered together to form a team, now known as the
"COBRAS". We just don't know how we did it, but in terms of
exercising and recreation, takraw was all we had in mind.
Takraw is challenging and fun, yet simple to play. One good player
must utilize his/her skills to the maximum extent so that they can be aware of
the ball. Takraw originated from Thailand, who is now a leading country in
this sport and during the Asian Games which they have each year. Takraw started
out using a rattan ball, then came along a Thai engineer who fully redesigned
the ball in a synthetic plastic ball. The ball has to be woven tightly so that
it can bounce a lot better, feel harder, and the speed of the ball is
exceptionally good and it meets the requirements of the ISTAF (International
Sepak Takraw Federation).